Frequently Asked Question

Do you have questions about our logistics services? Explore our FAQ page to find answers to common inquiries. Feel free to search for answers to your questions here, or contact us if you need further information.



What is logistics?

Logistics management is that part of supply chain management that plans, implements, and controls the efficient, effective forward and reverse flow and storage of goods, services and related information between the point of origin and the point of consumption in order to meet customers'.

What is a supply chain?

The supply chain — a term now commonly used internationally — encompasses every effort involved in producing and delivering a final product or service, from the supplier's supplier to the customer's customer. Supply chain management includes managing supply and demand, sourcing raw materials and parts, manufacturing and assembly, warehousing and inventory tracking, order entry and order management, distribution across all channels, and delivery to the customer. Due to its wide scope, supply chain management must address complex interdependencies; in effect creating an 'extended enterprise' that reaches far beyond the factory door.

What is the difference between 3PL and 4PL?

3PL, or third-party logistics services, are those that focus on specific types of day-to-day logistics needs for businesses that manage their overall supply chain needs in-house. 4PL, or fourth-party logistics, adds additional management and oversight to those services to create a single outside resource for all supply chain needs. PT. BISA able to conduct detail analysis on client's processes and advice the most efficient logistics management to implement.

What challenges do companies face as they try to improve SCM?

Improving a process as complex as the supply chain can be daunting, as companies are challenged with finding ways to meet ever-rising customer expectations at a manageable cost. To do so, businesses must identify which parts of their supply chain process are not competitive, understand which customer needs are not being met, establish improvement goals, and rapidly implement necessary improvements. Industry has long lacked a standard way to measure supply chain performance. Because of this, manufacturers and service providers were unable to use a common assessment tool — benchmarking — in the effort to improve their performance. Moreover, the lack of a common means to describe supply chain processes rendered software selection difficult and usually expensive. Instead of finding the right tools for improving specific competitive gaps, businesses often made huge investments in software that failed to address their particular problem. PT. BISA shall advise the proper tools to enhance the overall business processes and minimize disruptions.

Why is supply chain management important?

Supply chain management is important for innovating, adding value, and creating stability in the creation and delivery of goods and services for any organization. It’s also important in the larger context of society to ensure the availability of critical commodities and services that the public relies on.

What does the future of logistics and supply chain management look like?

With the growth of digital networks, this sector is expected to become more transparent and visible in the future. According to an article in the Harvard Business Review, 37% of all jobs are in the supply chain management sector. Studies also show that in the future, every supply chain management graduate will have around 6-9 jobs available after completing their education. These data show that this sector has a wide scope both at present and in the future.

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